Facu Lacognata
Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]
. Frank Martiniq - Boost Remixed (Robag Wruhme / Misc) [Boxer Sport]
. Art Of Disco - Randomizer / Analogue Acid [Yelow]
. Electric Kids - Live To Dance [Missive]
. Nathan Fake - Dinamo EP [Traum]
. Alexi Delano - The Archives EP [Random Dynamics]
. John Dalhback - Eastern Light EP [Inmigrant]
. Alex Smoke - Don´t See The Point [Soma]
. Rob Acid - Voltage [Lone]
. Siff - Melancolik Tech House EP [Promo]
. Alex Under - Las Bicicletas Son Para El Verano [Trapez]
. Mathew Jonson - Marionette [Wag]
. Undo & Viknoise - Welcome [Factor City]
. Dirk Leyers - Wellen [Kompakt]
. John Dalhback - Sugar [RZ]
. Jay Tripware - Frey Check / Electricity [Funk´d]
. Novox - Neo [Ware]
. Alex Smoke - Incomunicado LP [Soma]
. Nooncat - Blue Screen EP [Treibstoff]
. Murray Richardson - Headstrong EP [Low Pressings]
. Cari Lekebusch - Shaded (Dalhbaeck Rmx) [Truesoul]
Clásico del mes:
. Mr Oizo - Flat Beat [F-Com]
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