JP Sgalia
Jr Lopez - 10 Years Of House Music Ep [Aktivism Ltd]
The Second & Joe Fisher - Life To Mr. Wrong (2 Robots Remix) [Empro Music promo]
Julien Chaptal - Mamdaye [Remote]
Martin Worner - Full Tilt [Paso]
District One aka Bart Skilss and Anton Pieete - Dubcrystal [Pure]
Scarlet House - Loko [Soulman Music]
Mario Ochoa - So Serious [Avenue]
Leon - Negro [Viva Music]
Anthea & Celler - Retroceso Ep [Cecille]
Noi Doi - Pasarica (Samuel L Sessions Rmx) [Material]
Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]
Pfirter - Mi Estudio [unreleased promo]
Samuel L Sessions - Can You Relate (Slam Rmx) [Klap Klap]
Wehbba & Ryo Peres - El Masnou [Blufin]
Mladen Tomic - Tangas [MKT Rec]
Dyno - Karmient (Umek Remix) [Hell Yeah]
Space Djz - Kipperland [Roots]
Sander Van Doorn & Marco V - What Say [Doorn]
Marc Romboy & Blake Baxter - Where Would You Be? [Systematic]
Dyno - Biovoices [Mantide]
Tom Middleton - One More Tune (88 Mix) [Renaissence]
Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]