2 Robots
01 2Robots - Be Careful (Grooveplan Rmx) [Mindtrip]
02 Montenegro - Perla Negra (Tone 15 Rmx) [Montenegro Records]
03 Andrea Mattioli & Andrea Di Rocco - Overall (Piatto Rmx) [Diva Records]
04 Sam Paganini - Foggy [Amazing Records]
05 Rich Jones - Of Shamens And Robots [Roomba Music]
06 Uner - El Vuelo [Broken UK]
07 John Curtis - Hells Definition (Andrea Bertolini Rmx) [Area Sur]
08 David Keno - Pattex (Format B Rmx) [Keno Records]
09 Wehbba & Ryo Peres - What Not [1605]
10 Alan Fitzpatrick - Straw Hats [Drumcode]
Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]
Acid House Chart
01 Phuture - Acid Tracks [Trax 1987]
02 Armando - Downfall [Possum 1988]
03 Tyree - Acid Over [Underground 1987]
04 Dj Pierre - Box Energy [Trax 1988]
05 Phuture - Phuture Jacks [Trax 1987]
06 Tyree - Acid Crash [House Musik 1988]
07 The Sweat Boyz - Do You Want To Perculate [West Madison Street 1988]
08 Maurice - This Is Acid [Zyx 1989]
09 Adonis - Now Way Back [Trax 1986]
10 Confettis - C In China (Acid Rmx) [Usa Import Music 1989]
Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]
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Lunes 20 a 22hs Technoir Sessions
Viernes 22 a 01hs Nightbeat Radio
Radio Fan 103.9Fm
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Artistas Relacionados:
Acid House Chart
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