Nico Cano
_ Pherox - DMF 9 Electrics [Slash 08]
_ Nico Cano - Antique [Aleph Compilation] (Out Soon!!)
_ Hanne & Lore - Rhitmus Its Intactus [Style Rockets]
_ Rino Cerrone - Unrilis Ep [Rilis]
_ Andy Kohlman - Ferienlagen Ep [Extrasmart Records]
_ Boghosian - Balaka Ep [Cecille Numbers]
_ Io - Love From Ukraine Ep [Leftroom Limited]
_ Keneth James Gibson - Delisuinal Tales And Non Silence [Culprit Records]
_ Nico Cano - Tronador Ep [Refluxed Records] (Out Soon)
_ Niko Rivera - Santa Fe (Nico Cano Rmx) [Levitium Rec]
_ Alejandro Vivanco - Foundation Ep [Opsm Records]
_ Samuel L Sesion - The Man With The Case (Sls Rmx) [Be As One Records]
_ Jakob Seidenstiker - I Fell Loved [Elevation Limited Records]
_ Cosmic Cowboys - Lost In Berlin Ep [Dieb Audio]
_ Gary Beck - Shallow Birds Ep [Tibit Music]
_ Marco Antona - Rootz Ep [Dissonant]
_ Jerome Sydenham - Inside Ep [Avocado]
_ Urrs - Unova (Ronan Portela Rmx) [Pild Records]
_ D. Diggler - Young Love [Level Non Zero]

Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]
Info: Tour Centro y Sudamerica octubre/Diciembre 2010 en

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