Jonas Kopp
Ben Klock - Goodly (Robert Hood Remix) [Ostgut Ton]
Horizontal Ground - 1 [Horizontal Ground]
Shake - Indagoo [Morphine Doser]
Levon Vincent - The Medium Is The Message [Novel Sound]
Jonas Kopp - Share [GRHK]
Mariano AKA Tadeo - 0501 [promo - unreleased]
Marcel Fengler - Twisted Bleach EP [Ostgut Ton]
Jonas Kopp - Tirados [Curle]
Dimi Angelis & Jeroen - Our Life With The Wave [Smallville]
Roger 23 - Room With a View Part 1 [Baud]
Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]
20 de Agosto: Jonas Kopp - Deliric (Curle 020)
Jonas Kopp first impressed the DJ-league and techno fans worldwide in 2007 with his incredible release on Spectral 43. In the meantime he released more amazing records on labels such as Weave, Vinyl Club and CMYK Musik. If we would have to describe his debut release on Curle - going stronger than ever these days with contributions from Thomas Brinkmann, Efdemin, Soulphiction, Anthony Collins and Martyn - we could say it sounds like Brothers' Vibe meets Radio Slave, at Berghain. Sounds tempting, isn't it?
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